Saturday 31 October 2009

I'm not incompetent when it comes to (fill in the blank) it's just a skill that I have to learn

I found this quote, and it really meant something to me, so in true SHE fashion, I went off looking for a picture to put with my ideas.

This quote has so much hope......skills can be learned. They are not something that we are born with. Look at a baby, how they learn motor skills, can move their heads, then sit up, walk, etc... Language skills are also learned, slowly, which comes as a great frustration to many of my students.

I am sometimes like my students, frustrated because the new skills come too slowly. I have to practice what I preach, and take the time to learn those skills that are not so easy for me.....and maybe I should think about the skills that I have more or less succesfully learned; there are actually quite a lot of them, when I think about it!

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